Travel to Kalavryta by bus, car, train

There are daily buses from Athens to Kalavryta, either direct or via Egio. Buses from Athens to Kalavryta depart from Kifissos KTEL Bus Station and the trip lasts for 3 hours. To go to Kifissos KTEL Bus Station, passengers have to take Bus 051 from Omonoia or Bus X93 from the airport of Athens.

Travel to Kalavryta by car

To go from Athens to Kalavryta by car, you follow the National Highway Athens-Corinth and just after the Corinth Canal you follow the signs to Patra. In the junction of Diakofto, you follow the sign to Kalavryta. The road trip from Athens to Kalavryta is about 3 hours. The road after the Corinth Canal, and especially after Diakofto, is not a highway but rural and has only one side per direction, so extra attention is required.

Travel to Kalavryta by train

There is a tourist train that connects Diakofto to Kalavryta. This rack railway covers the distance of 22 km crossing the Gorge of Vouraikos, a region of great natural beauty. As it works only for tourist regions, there are itineraries only on weekends. The entire train trip lasts for 1 hour and a half, with a stop in Zachlorou.