Heraklion Weather

Heraklion weather: Heraklion is located on the northern coast of Crete and the town enjoys a Mediterranean climate with mild temperatures at the villages but as you move up into the mountains the weather changes slightly. There is a strong possibility of snowfall once you reach the high altitudes while inland the weather conditions are quite normal.

Summer in Heraklion is beautiful and visitors will enjoy a gorgeous weather with an average temperature of 29°C during the day where there is lots of sunlight. The refreshing breeze coming from the sea is welcome during those months. Humidity is almost inexistent and the heat is bearable.

Average Air & Sea Temperature in Heraklion in °C
  April May June July August September October
Air 17 24 24 26 26 24 20
Sea 17 19 22 24 25 24 23